The Express Tribune launches in Pakistan


KarachiThe Express Tribune by the Express Media Group was launched in Pakistan on Monday, April 12 2010

The Express Tribune is the first internationally affiliated newspaper in Pakistan. It is a new English language daily newspaper covers a variety of topics ranging from politics to the economy, foreign policy to investment and sports to culture. According to its motto the paper’s mission is to deliver news that is both informative and insightful.
The Express Tribune is part of the Express Media Group’s other flagship media brands which include, the Daily Express Express News, and Express 24/7, Pakistan’s only 24-hour English language news channel.
The paper kicks of its first print with op-eds from Ayesha SiddiqaSami ShahQuatrina Hosain and Osman Samiuddin with news that Zahoor’s cratoon-imagery is too be featured amongst its pages. I happened to give its very first edition a read in my journalism class the very same day of its launch. Reader's came with all kind of views ranging from the critical analysis of the paper to enjoying the fact that international newspaper can now be in print and in their hands. One thing we all reached consensus on that the targeted audiences was definitely the upper class considering the cost of the single edition. However, I must admit that at first glance the online version of the paper is quite pleasing to the eye.


A New Beginning said...

Thats a great analysis :)

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